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2.1.2. Query string parameters

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
datedate and time of document creation, format: yyyy-MM- dd hh:mm:ssstringyes
docNumberdocument number in the accounting systemstringyes
wsNamecheckout number to print onstring
departmentNamethe name of the store to be printed on the checkstring
employeeNamefull name of the cashierstringyes
amountdocument amount in minor currency unitsintegeryes
currencycurrency namestring
genPreviewtrue – for generating a graphical image of the receipt, false – for printingboolean
itemslist of goods/services by invoicearrayyes
printFooteronly MD free text in check footer. For new line use \r\nstring
taxeslist of taxesarrayyes
paymentspayment listarrayyes

items Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
itemIdproduct/service code in the accounting systemstringyes
itemNameproduct/service namestringyes
itemQRCodeQR-code product identification system
itemCodeexternal code, classification code
itemPriceprice in minor currency unitsintegeryes
itemAmountamount payable in minor currency unitsintegeryes
discountdiscount(+)/increase(-) amount in minor currency unitsintegeryes
printDataonly MD *array
taxeslist of taxes by itemarray

printData Array (* only MD)

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
titlefree text in check footer. For new line use \r\nstring

taxes Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
taxNametax namestring
taxCodetax symbol (if applicable)stringyes
taxPrctax percentagefloat
amountamount to be taxed in minor currency unitsintegeryes
taxAmounttax amount in minor currency unitsinteger
calcTypetax calculation type, possible values: 1 – including, 2 – fixed, 3 – simplified, default value – 1integeryes

payments Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
typepayment type code (C - cash, V - by card, other types of payments - see appendix)stringyes
namepayment type namestringyes
amountpayment amount in minor currency unitsintegeryes
changechange amount in minor currency unitsintegeryes


"date": "string, document creation date and time, format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss",
"docNumber": "string, document number in the accounting system",
"wsName": "string, cash register number for printing on the receipt (optional)",
"departmentName": "string, store name for printing on the receipt (optional)",
"employeeName": "string, cashier's full name",
"amount": "integer, document amount in minor currency units",
"currency": "string, currency name",
"genPreview": "boolean, true – for generating a graphical image of the receipt, false – for printing",
"items": [
"itemId": "string, product/service code in the accounting system",
"itemName": "string, product/service name",
"itemQRCode": "QR code for product identification",
"itemCode": "external code, classification code",
"itemQty": "integer, quantity*1000",
"itemPrice": "integer, price in minor currency units",
"itemAmount": "integer, amount to be paid in minor currency units",
"discount": "integer, discount amount in minor currency units",
"printData": [ // only MD
"value": ""
"taxes": [
"taxName": "string, tax name",
"taxCode": "string, symbolic representation of the tax (if used)",
"taxPrc": "float, tax percentage",
"amount": "integer, amount to be taxed in minor currency units",
"taxAmount": "integer, tax amount in minor currency units",
"calcType": "integer, tax calculation type, possible values: 1 – inclusive, 2 – fixed, 3 – simplified. Default value - 1"
"printFooter": "TEXT TO PRINT FOOTER", // only MD
"taxes": [
"taxName": "string, tax name",
"taxCode": "string, symbolic representation of the tax (if used)",
"taxPrc": "float, tax percentage",
"amount": "integer, amount to be taxed in minor currency units",
"taxAmount": "integer, tax amount in minor currency units",
"calcType": "integer, tax calculation type, possible values: 1 – inclusive, 2 – fixed, 3 – simplified. Default value - 1"
"payments": [
"type": "string, payment type code (C – cash, V – card, other payment types – see the appendix)",
"name": "string, payment type name",
"amount": "integer, payment amount in minor currency units",
"change": "integer, change amount in minor currency units"